Short, Sweet, to the Point

Find Your Built-in Calm Switch in 30 Short Minutes

Coffee Break Courses are packed with useful information, but can be studied in a short space of time, without the pressure of tests, assignments or exams. 

The audio download was written and recorded by Voice College Principal Ria Keen, who is a fully qualified and insured bio-energy healer, hypnotherapist and reiki master, in addition to her singing know-how!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    The Housekeeping Stuff (dull but necessary)!

    • Copyright Notice

    • How to Use the Course Platform - A Brief Overview

    • Hello from Team VC and your Course Tutor

  • 2

    Let's Go!

    • Ratio Breathing (Activating the Body's Parasympathetic Nervous System)

    • Transcript

  • 3

    Next Steps

    • Before You Go...

    • Potential Future Courses - What's On Your Wishlist?